New Distributors

Phelps Industrial Products has a been a global suppier of Custom Gasketing Solutions, Gasket Materials, Compression Packing, Metal Gaskets, Adhesives, Sealants, and Custom O'Rings for decades. We distributor partners in over 20 countries across 4 continents. We are always look for new partners and distributors to grow our business - And provide the same quality of service and products that our current customers have come to expect.
Please checkout our steller customer reviews on Google Reviews
If you wish to signup as a distributor, please email us at: [email protected] with the following information:
1. Name
2. Country / State
3. Company Name
4. Contact information (email, phone)
5. The Phelps products you are interested becoming a distributor for
Please note that your business is very important to us. We strive to process distributor & reseller applications within a reasonable timeframe.
Vendor & Supplier Queries

Great vendors are absolutely essential for Phelps' success over the years. We are constantly looking to improve the quality of our products, in order to provide the absolute best quality products to our customers. Phelps has built a great reputation for excellent service, and quality products - Our customers often rely on our expertise and experience to select the right material f
or their use-cases and applications. This is quite well reflected in our customer rviews.
If you wish to become vendor or supplier, please email us at: [email protected] with the following information:
1. New Vendor Name (Company name)
2. Country / State
3. Contact information (email, phone)
4. ISO and other quality certifications
5. The products, raw materials you want to supply
- Complete specification sheet
- Part list
- Price list
6. Differentiation
- Why is your raw material unique and different from other vendors
- Why is your company unique and diffrent from other vendors
7. Current customer list (it will make it faster if you can provide this - we NEED references)
Please note that we receive 10s of queries every week. It is very hard to process each one of these quries, and therefore we pay special attention and prioritze vendor & supplier applications that have the most comprehensive information.